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This is Baby, she is a Yacon Plant. She was found at the G.W. Carver Food Park in April right after TDOT Bulldozed the garden. She was laying on the side of once compost heart shaped pile, dry and half dead. At the time of her rescue she was only 3 inches tall with one withered leaf. I brought her home, to Another Avenue Cultural Resource Center Community Garden, and placed her in compost from Mamushi Nature Farm. She is now about 3 feet tall with blossoming leaves. She is our pride and joy and We know that the spirit of Dr. Carver at the food park helped revive Baby. Baby will yield at least 30 roots. Her leaves can be used as an herbal tea to help detox and combat diabetes.

Yacon root and leaf supplement extract use by Ray Sahelian, M.D.  Health benefit , side effects, toxicity tests

Yacon is a tasty, potato-like root vegetable found in Peru. Historically, yacon has been used in South America to lower blood sugar in those with diabetes and improve digestion. Yacon roots are a rich source of fructooligosaccharides (FOS) and have a long use tradition as food in the Andean region. Yacon has several flavonoids including protocatechuic, chlorogenic, caffeic and ferulic acids.

What does the research say?
It appears that substances in yacon have antioxidant, anti-microbial, blood sugar lowering, and liver protecting properties. However, this research, thus far, has only been in the laboratory and animals. Yacon syrup use may lead to weight loss. Other herbs that have a benefit for blood sugar control include Bitter-Melon, prickly pear cactus extract, Fenugreek, and cinnamon.
Human studies

Yacon is found in a variety of ways, including dry root slices, powdered root, cut leaves for tea, yacon syrup, and in the form of various concentrations of extracts. Yacon capsules are available for sale.
Yacon syrup for diabetes, glycemic index

Yacon root composition
Many substances are found in the root including tryptophan, caffeic acid, chlorogenic acid, protocatechuic and ferulic acids. Roots contain beta-1,2-oligofructans as the main saccharides.

Essential oils in yacon herb
Three compounds--beta-pinene, caryophylene and y-cadinene have been found as the predominant essential oils.

The leaves are used in folk medicine as a medicinal tea for hypoglycemia. This paper describes the antioxidant activity of various extracts from yacon leaves for their content of phenolic components. The presence of protocatechuic, chlorogenic, caffeic and ferulic (traces) acids were determined in the two fractions. Both fractions showed potent antioxidant activity in DPPH and xanthine / XOD superoxide radical scavenging equivalents tests, they inhibited the lipoperoxidation of rat liver subcellular membranes and they protected rat hepatocytes against oxidative injury. Our results may predetermine the use of yacon leaves in human diet as a potential remedy in the prevention of chronic diseases caused by radicals, e. g., arteriosclerosis.

Traditionally, Yacon has been used in South America both as food and to help control blood sugar and improve digestion. The fructooligosaccharide (FOS) in Yacon is an indigestible sugar that is low in calories and does not appear to have a significant effect on increasing blood sugar levels. Not only that, this product is a prebiotic, feeding friendly bacteria and boosting the immune system. 

About the plant
Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolia) is a showy, perennial plant that can reach several feet high. It is commonly grown from Venezuela to Argentina, and is believed to have originated in the mountains of Peru. It grows best in climates that have little or no frosts, and has been found to grow well in the Philippines, New Zealand, and Australia.

Bell Peppers
Members of the nightshade family of plants, bell peppers are related to potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplants. Native to Central and South American, bell peppers come in an interesting array of colors such as purple, red, yellow, and green. Used to make spices like paprika and pimento, bell peppers have some very good attributes that make them well worth incorporating into your diet. The following article discusses the healthful properties of bell peppers.

Nutritional Information of bell peppers
First of all, bell peppers are considered highly nutritious. Just munching a mere 3.5 ounces of raw bell pepper can provide a body with significant amounts of vitamin C, vitamin B6, beta-carotene, vitamin K, thiamine, and folic acid. Furthermore, bell peppers provide important antioxidant action that can help reduce the number of dangerous free radicals roaming around the body.
While all-around nutrition is essential to maintain good health, healing and health benefits can also be derived from bell peppers. The vitamin C and beta-carotene content of these peppers has been shown to help protect against cataracts. The capsaicin and flavonoids of bell peppers have also been helpful for preventing blood clot formation, which, in turn, provides a lower likelihood for stroke or heart attack. While people with elevated levels of cholesterol have been encouraged to consume chili peppers which are also incredibly healthful, some people might prefer to consume the milder flavors of bell peppers which can also help lower cholesterol levels.

Interestingly, when it comes to bell peppers, color can actually make a difference to your health. Red bell peppers have been shown to offer better protection against heart disease and even cancer. Red bell peppers have higher concentrations of nutrients than the others. While any color bell pepper will provide healthful properties, the red variety packs the most healthful punch. Their intense color can also add a bright splash to any dish.

Bell peppers are essentially grown in tropical and temperate climates. It appears they originated in South American upwards of seven thousand years ago. Today, they are commercially grown in places like Mexico, China, and Spain. Yet, because they are easy to grow and adapt well to many garden locations, they can easily be grown in most backyards.

When buying bell peppers at your local grocery store or farm stand, look for peppers that are both fresh and firm. The best peppers will also present their characteristically bright skin. Avoid dry-looking peppers with lots of wrinkles. Summer tends to provide the greatest stores of bell peppers, but keep in mind that they will only last in the refrigerator for about one week. Bell peppers can also be frozen, but for best results, freeze them whole. Also, it is not necessary to blanch them before freezing. One further reminder—buy organic peppers when possible. Pesticide residues have been found on the skins of bell peppers so they most always be thoroughly washed before eating or adding to recipes.

While raw bell peppers are tasty and can easily be tossed in salads or on tacos, they can also be baked into casseroles, sautéed with chicken or beef, and even grilled on their own with a splash of olive oil and spray of lemon juice. Their attractive colors make them the stand outs of any vegetable tray. Their interesting colors also make them appealing to children and bell peppers are easy to slice in a variety of interesting shapes; chop them up and add them to your kids’ favorite meals like pizza or melts. 
Article written by: J. A. Young

10 Foods That Boost Memory
Here are ten foods that may improve your memory, if you can remember to eat them. You might notice that many of the foods on this list are red or purple in color. That's because the phytochemical that colors them, anthocyanin, is the same phytochemical that's good for your brain.

Blueberries have been shown in numerous studies to do wonderful things for memory and the brain in general. Old rats that were fed blueberries scored the same as young rats on memory tests. Blueberries contain anthocyanin, a known memory-boosting phytochemical. They also contain many other phytochemicals that may contribute to healthy brain function.

Apples contain high levels of quercetin, an antioxidant that has been shown in recent studies to protect against Alzheimer's disease. Although it is also present in the flesh, the most quercetin is found in the skin. Red apples also contain anthocyanin in their skins.

One study found that feeding rats spinach prevented and even reversed memory loss. This may be due in part to its high folic acid content, a nutrient that is believed to be protective against Alzheimer's disease and age-related memory loss. Just a half-cup of cooked spinach provides two-thirds your daily requirement of folic acid.

Red onions contain anthocyanin and quercetin. Yellow and white onions also contain good levels of quercetin. In India, where onions are an important staple, onions have been used as a folk remedy to boost memory for centuries.

Broccoli contains quercetin. It's also a good source of folic acid.

Red Beets
Beets are a good source of anthocyanin and folic acid.

Red, purple, and black grapes all contain quercetin and anthocyanin. Red wine also contains good levels of these phytochemicals, but overindulging in red wine may negate the benefits so keeping consumption to one glass per day may be wise.

Another red food that is a good source of anthocyanin.

Eggplant is a great source of anthocyanin. It also contains nasunin, an antioxidant that protects the lipids in brain cell membranes.

Researchers have found that the carnosic acid in rosemary is neuroprotective and may play a role in the prevention of Alzheimer's disease and other neurodegenerative brain disorders. One study even found that just the scent of rosemary improved the memories of office workers.